ECIA Identity


WHAT: Brand refresh, Brand identity

ECIA is a European network - organisation of Interior Architects & Designers providing a common platform for the exchange of information on best professional practice. Founded in 1992, with 18 members-national organisations and 16000 professionals Interior Architects/Designers My mission was to develop a new brand identity based on a new evolutive logo to redesign. I kept ECIA logo recognisable thanks to its square logo. This open square is perfect & geometric meant for reliable, stability and that suggests order. The open side of it embodies a sense of transparency, reunification and inclusivity. Reflecting the perfect space where to collaborate, discuss and exchange. Keeping it original primary colours (for brand relative topics) matching it with a new secondary colour palette to add brighter colours and a strongest visual impact to the look and feel (used while refereeing to ECIA projects for exemple). ECIA’ typographic world is about two Droits fonts completed with a mono space - for a hint for perfect proportions in the architecture & the computer side of it. This combination of free fonts (request of the client) is about geometric, elegant, strength and eyes catchy. ECIA’ brand new identity is very straight but visually appealing based on a grid system - in line with the logo. The use big typography elements strengthens the idea of architecture and space management. Anytime, anywhere, the square shapes are present in the new look & feel : pattern, strokes, background, … I also adapted their Powerpoint presentation, Word document, newsletter template and email signature to it’s news brand identity.

IAmA Logo les scouts belgium inspiration icon
IAmA Logo les scouts belgium
IAmA Logo les scouts belgium

IAmA Logo les scouts belgium typography identity
IAmA Logo les scouts belgium typography identity

IAmA Logo les scouts belgium pattern
IAmA Logo les scouts belgium graphics identity typography photography
IAmA Logo les scouts belgium graphics identity typography photography
IAmA Logo les scouts belgium newsletter mailing graphic identity
IAmA Logo les scouts belgium newsletter mailing graphic identity
IAmA Logo les scouts belgium newsletter mailing graphic identity


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